What Size Frame Do I Need For A Jersey?
When it comes to displaying your favorite jersey it is crucial to find a frame that is the right size. The sizing of your frame will not only help the visual appeal of your display, but it will protect the jersey to keep it looking its best. Continue reading to learn more from Jerzee Art about displaying your jersey the old-fashioned way, and start shopping today!

Most adult sports jerseys typically require a frame that is 30 inches by 40 inches. However, this size may vary depending on the size of the jersey, so it is essential to take measurements of your jersey before buying a frame.

How you want to style your jersey may also affect the size of the frame. If your jersey has sleeves, then the frame will depend on whether you want the sleeves folded in or left out. Leaving some extra space on all sides of the jersey will also add to the styled look of your framed jersey.

The size of your frame may differ from the desired look of your finished display. A flat frame may be smaller, but if you want a shadow-box frame to add more dimension to your display, then your sizing will increase.

If you want your jersey to have the look of a wall art piece, then check out Jerzee Art’s new way of jersey display. Leave the old-fashioned frame behind with our 3D jersey mounts that give your jersey action, while still keeping them protected.
Finding the frame that is sized perfectly for your jersey display desires can be difficult. That’s why Jerzee Art has revolutionized the art of display with our jersey mounts that bring your jerseys to life. Check out our wall mounts for every sport and find the perfect display for you!